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Questions tagged [voodoo]

Voodoo is a collection of African spiritual beliefs, developed in the slave-holding states and islands of the Caribbean Sea. Most famous of voodoo beliefs are the zombie tradition, and also the voodoo doll.

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13 votes
1 answer

Movie in which the couple figurine atop a wedding cake doubles as a voodoo doll

I have only very vague memories of this live-action horror movie: I watched it in the 90s, or early 00s, on TV. It had a "British" feel to it, though I most likely watched a German dubbing. ...
Alexander Klauer's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

A voodoo type fantasy-horror short story, involving a shrill voice [duplicate]

I read this short story about 20 years ago. I read it in French in a collection which was probably much older, and most probably a translation. I write "voodoo type" because IIRC, the POV ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Black and white horror movie where people have a mark on their palm and become voodoo-resurrected

I'm searching this movie for years. It starts inside a cafe, I think, on a rainy night. The protagonist sees his recently deceased brother passing outside. It has to do with a voodoo cult, people ...
Mene's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Identify film which mashed film noir with voodo and supernatural

I remember watching a film when I was a teenager that seemed to be set in a 1930s film noir kind of setting. I think the main character was a private detective, who somehow got caught up in some ...
HorusKol's user avatar
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