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Questions tagged [wayward-pines]

For questions about the Fox's horror TV series "Wayward Pines" that ran from 2015 to 2016.

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4 votes
4 answers

What's to keep Wayward Pines humans from evolving into Abbies?

In the series Wayward Pines, the premise is that man has evolved into this terrible beast called "Abbie", and that Wayward Pines is an "ark" of humans preserved 2000 years in order to repopulate the ...
Zanne's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

In the series Wayward Pines, can anyone explain why Agent Ethan Burke's wife Theresa's car was kept and if so, why it looked like it did?

In the TV mystery/thriller/science fiction series Wayward Pines (based on the Trilogy), can anyone explain why Agent Ethan Burke's wife Theresa's car was kept and if so, why it looked like it did? In ...
beichst's user avatar
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