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Questions tagged [wolverine-and-the-x-men]

Wolverine and the X-Men is both an on-going comic series featuring Wolverine's Jean Grey School of Higher Learning and a 26 episode television series from 2009. Use of the comics or tv tags can be used to disambiguate questions.

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38 votes
2 answers

Why Doesn't the Adamantium Bone Covering Kill Wolverine?

I've seen the Adamantium covering over Wolverine's skeleton discussed here before, as well as on many sites on the web. I've also seen different info on what was covered. I'm not a huge X-Men fan, ...
Tango's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

What are bamfs?

Bamfs appear in Wolverine & the X-men comic. But I can't find a single scrap of evidence for their origins on the internet. Where are they from? Edit: I'm increasingly convinced that when ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What is a good starting point to read about Wolverine and the X-Men?

Can someone direct me to which comic or series of comics to start reading so I can understand Logan's story line better? Is there an order I should be reading the comics in? Is the X-Men story over? ...
Sid's user avatar
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What "Wolverine and the X-Men" collections concern Toad & Husk's relationship?

Trying to find Wolverine and the X-Men paperbacks that deal with the relationship Toad built with Husk, up to the point where he joined the Hellfire Academy with her and Quentin Quire, and where the ...
Gothamite24's user avatar