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8 votes
1 answer

In what chapter does Fleur suspect Hagrid?

I am re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and in chapter 6 it says: We must decide ‘ow you will be disguised, ‘Arry,” said Fleur, once everyone had pudding. “For ze wedding,” she added, ...
Armando's user avatar
  • 149
5 votes
1 answer

Anime in which the main character is summoned to another world by a god or goddess who puts a curse on his skills that makes him barely able to get XP

The anime, as I remember, starts with the main character getting summoned to another world and a god or goddess that summoned him puts a curse on his skills that makes him barely be able to get XP, so ...
RICHARD LESLEY's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Book about a vampire who is tasked with watching over a woman whose boyfriend has been murdered

A human woman's boyfriend gets murdered, a vampire has been watching over her apartment sees it happening, he's been tasked with watching over her. She gets a call from him saying he's got info on ...
Lynnette's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Choose your own adventure style: medieval post-demon apocalypse

I had a book when I was younger, that was a choose your own adventure style, with an inventory in the front pages, and you would roll for your skills/attributes. You would roll dice during any ...
Mason's user avatar
  • 123
8 votes
1 answer

A short story about a gadget that proves that that the future is totally determined [duplicate]

I read this short story about ten or so years ago, in a collection. It is not about Asimov's thiotimoline, but it has some common aspect. There is a gadget with a light and a button. Whatever you do, ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 22k
21 votes
4 answers

What was the first "Star Trek" style teleporter in SF?

What was the first work of fiction to use a teleport device similar to the transporters in Star Trek? Or did Gene Roddenberry invent the concept? To count it must match the following: It must be a ...
Pete's user avatar
  • 17.7k
14 votes
1 answer

Did Babylon 4 actually do anything in the first shadow war?

Famously, the station goes back in time to the first shadow war. However, it seems difficult to believe that it had much to do with fighting the shadows, since they are an ancient race and 1000 years ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Book about a person who had an object that transported them to different places and times spontaneously [closed]

I cannot remember the name of the author or the name of the book. The main character possessed an object which teleported him through time and space instantaneously without doing anything on his own.
Cynthia's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
0 answers

In "Chosen One Protective Service", does everyone get the diagetic interface into rune magic that Rusty does?

In Andrew Seiple's Who Chooses the Chosen, first book of his Chosen One Protection Services, Rusty experiences his rune powers as a text interface of symbols that he sees in his mind's eye with exact ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
  • 232k
3 votes
0 answers

Are there elements in the 2024 Borderlands movie from games beyond the first two?

The 2024 Borderlands movie seems to be very loosely based on the first Borderlands game (2009), while incorporating weapons, characters, and locations from Borderlands 2 (2012). As someone who has ...
galacticninja's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Kindle Unlimited book where people use rocks to gain powers

I'm trying to remember a Kindle Unlimited book where people use rocks to gain powers. The only things I remember about the book are that the male protagonist's village is a granite mine, and that the ...
Equilibrium's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Star Trek: The Next Generation episode that talks about life and death

I am trying to find the name of the episode where the Enterprise intercepted a dead person sent from a planet to its moon. During the episode, it talks about life and death. At the end of the episode (...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 111
22 votes
1 answer

Short story about humanoid creatures living on ice, which can swim under the ice and eat the moss/plants that grow on the underside of the ice

I read this story in 2014. The book was old though. Seemed like before the 2000s. It could be part of a collection of stories, but I remember it being short. It was also in English, in case that’s ...
Brigham Dunford's user avatar
-6 votes
0 answers

Strong resemblance between the Alien franchise "Xenomorphs" and the Babylon-5 "Shadows" [closed]

I'm curious if anyone else has noted this either coincidental or (as I think) deliberate aesthetic similarity ... ?
reggie acton's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Can someone help me find this sci-fi or fantasy book I saw in my High School library? [closed]

This may be a tough one because this book isn't very well known. But, I do remember it was on amazon. I think it was published sometime around the mid 90s. The art on the cover was in somewhat dark ...
Devan's user avatar
  • 49
12 votes
1 answer

Short story - disease that causes deformities and telepathy. Bar joke

This is a story from Asimovs in the 1980s; the backstory is a disease that causes disfiguring growths on the face/head and the ability to read minds. The telepaths are a mistreated minority (I forget ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 56k
12 votes
1 answer

Movie from 80s or 90s about a helmet which allowed to detect non human people

I remember seeing parts of a movie in the 80s or 90s about what I think was a helmet which, when using it, would tell which people were human or not. I remember a message in the helmet telling "...
Julian's user avatar
  • 229
3 votes
1 answer

A movie where some people were able to guess that a crime would be committed so the police could arrest the "future guilty" party before the crime [duplicate]

A watched this movie (probably based on a novel) about 20 years ago. I don't remember the details, except the main idea : some very special people were able to guess that a crime would be committed ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 22k
4 votes
2 answers

How can Neo see the future in his dream about Trinity?

Neo dreams of Trinity falling from the building and risking death. We see that later that exact circumstance takes place. How could Neo dream of the future? Neo talks with the Oracle about this: Neo: ...
Matteo's user avatar
  • 351
22 votes
1 answer

Trying to find a set of fantasy books I half-read in middle school in the 1990s

I went to middle school and high school in Columbus, OH, in the 1990s. There was a set of fantasy books in the school library. There were four books; they were hardcovers (these funny, square things) ...
Victor's user avatar
  • 221
4 votes
1 answer

B&W sci-fi horror movie from the 2000s, Eastern European, the setting is underground, in a mine I think

It's NOT "The Superdeep", but it's similar. There's a plant based life form killing people underground in a mining or military facility. The production is very dark and gritty, seemed fairly ...
DormanBorden's user avatar
-1 votes
0 answers

Fanfiction-Snape Adopts Hermione After Her Parents Die

I am looking for a fanfiction. It was posted on Snape adopts Hermione after her parents die. Snape is married to Dumbledore and McGonagall's daughter. They have children together.
Alyssa's user avatar
  • 75
5 votes
1 answer

Video about princess interacting with dinosaurs and a blob creature living with family

So I remember seeing and hearing about this video that was VHS originally but was uploaded to YouTube. It had I think 3 stories in it, but I only remember 2 of them. It was narrated by an older woman/...
Conan Highwoods's user avatar
3 votes
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Manhwa/manhua where the main character has an identity sign-in system

I read this manhwa/manhua a long time ago and don't remember many details. Here is what I remember: The main character (MC) has a career/identity change system on Earth, in modern times, and the ...
Raymis's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
1 answer

Why did the Númenórean dissenters associate Míriel's use of a palantír with darkness or evil?

In The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S02E03 "The Eagle and the Sceptre," some Númenóreans oppose Míriel's ascension to the throne, considering her use of a palantír as "dark ...
galacticninja's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

A novel (and a movie) about a village in southern France where a strange succession of events happens

I read this book many decades ago, in French original. A few years later, I saw the movie (most probably with the same title) that was made about it, also in French. I'm positive the author is French ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 22k
5 votes
0 answers

Vintage Cartoon - Dinosaur Cave River

I am trying to identify a cartoon I saw many years ago, where a group of people are rafting down a river in a prehistoric cave. There were dinosaurs on the shore. If I remember right, the river ...
user186884's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Healer uses healing ability to drain his opponent's health

Was this premise in an anime or in an audiobook? The main character was a healer and, during a battle, he used his healing ability to drain the health of his opponent.
Papa Fisher's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Short story about a boy living on a flooded Earth, with aliens that are helping clean up the climate damage in a deal with the government

I'm trying to identify a story that had appeared in a compendium of Sci-Fi short stories. It was set on Earth, post climate catastrophe, with massive sea level rise. It was about a teenager hopping ...
Ilya Tchivilev's user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

Multiple alien species on Earth at the same time: one species destroys Earth but the other preserves a small group of humans

Summary: An alien craft lands, it's referred to by one scientist as a "cinder cone", an alien representative comes out and talks to humanity, but it was all a delay tactic. It was later ...
Mark's user avatar
  • 259
5 votes
1 answer

Cyberpunk esque movie. A woman is created artificially from a multicolored skeleton and then escapes [duplicate]

I watched it when I was really young. There's this orange/multicolored skeleton in a pod and these scientists bring it to life as a woman, who then somehow escapes into a flying taxi (the movie, if I ...
Joey's user avatar
  • 53
29 votes
1 answer

A story where SETI finds a signal but it's just a boring philosophical treatise

I read a short story where SETI researchers were able to identify and decipher a signal from the region of Cassiopeia, but when the alien language was decoded, it was just a long philosophical ...
Avery's user avatar
  • 393
21 votes
1 answer

What is Zion's depth in the Matrix?

Tank says that Zion is... "Deep underground, near the earth’s core where it’s still warm." ... but surely that would put it deep in the liquid mantle, and I seriously doubt the city is ...
John Doe's user avatar
  • 483
17 votes
1 answer

A story about machines that can build anything so long as proper instructions are provided

The story starts with a person winning a lottery to go to a planet where each person receives a machine that can build anything. At arrival he is surprised everyone is asking him questions about ...
Goran's user avatar
  • 273
3 votes
1 answer

Christmas special telling the story of "The Clown of God"

Around 1982 or 1983, I saw a live-action Christmas special, telling the story of "The Clown of God." I don't think it was new at the time; it was probably filmed in the 1970s. I think it ...
Buzz's user avatar
  • 99k
3 votes
1 answer

US Movie: Building a Saturn V model rocket

Ages ago, probably in the early 90s, I saw an American movie about a kid who meets a retired astronaut, and sets out to build a model replica of the Saturn V. This is then launched in on of the school ...
Claudio's user avatar
  • 147
13 votes
0 answers

Mankind fighting AI coming on asteroid from outer space

I would like to ask you for help identifying a rather short story or novel (maybe short series). I believe I was reading it somewhere on internet and it may have been an amateur author publication or ...
LQd's user avatar
  • 131
8 votes
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What are the exact lines that David Prowse spoke during the filming of the "I am your father" scene?

When the "I am your father" scene in Star Wars: the Empire strikes back was first being filmed, only Mark Hamill, George Lucas, and a few others knew the plot twist. To prevent the secret ...
Aqualone's user avatar
  • 181
4 votes
0 answers

Can you kill a Maia? [duplicate]

In S02E01 of The Rings of Power, Which made me wonder : could this be what happens according to Tolkien's writings ? Can Maiar die, and if so how ? I don't see a lot of examples to work with : elves ...
gdelab's user avatar
  • 725
19 votes
1 answer

Did Gandalf know he was a Maia?

Does Gandalf literally know he's a type of angelic spirit called a Maia, who is a servant of a greater Vala called Manwë, who was given a corporeal form and sent to Middle Earth? Or did he appear in ...
MKHC's user avatar
  • 1,480
4 votes
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Human-looking ghost proves a child he's a ghost by decapitating himself

I remember a scene from a movie I watched around 2005-2010, and neither I nor my family can remember what movie that is from. It was a somewhat cheap (though professional), live-action, American-style ...
Invizio's user avatar
  • 149
14 votes
0 answers

Story about aliens who give humans extra lives

I am trying to remember a sci-fi story I read 40 or 50 years ago. Some aliens offered to give humans who wanted one an extra life, apparently in the form of a vivid and realistic dream. Perhaps today ...
Charles of Kenosha's user avatar
5 votes
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Looking for Urban Fantasy Novel Taking Place In NYC Written in Past 10-years

Female lead, addicted to coke, works with New York Police, serial murders. She's called to a murder that has been "cloaked" in the NY subway system. When exposed, it seems posed as if a ...
Techteacher314's user avatar
26 votes
1 answer

A SF novel where a very poor girl finds a "talking book" meant for daughters of extremely rich people [duplicate]

I read this novel more than 30 years ago. It begins with a (orphaned ?) little girl who lives in the streets finding a weird book. It talks, and is probably AI. IIRC, it is one extra illegal copy of a ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 22k
-11 votes
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Propagandadelusion [closed]

Why is it that humans are encouraged (propagandised) to dream of living in space or on another planet, or some magical post-death heavenly realm... with billions if not trillions of dollars spent on ...
Zan's user avatar
  • 1
1 vote
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Manhwa with a female lead who lives with a man who adopts her [closed]

The manhwa features a female lead with blonde hair and blue eyes. She lives with a man who adopted her when she was young. The manhwa features the male lead having black hair, he returns from studying ...
Hadassah's user avatar
-2 votes
0 answers

Was slavery ever ended?

One of Anakin Skywalker's major motivations is a dislike of slavery. Over the course of Star Wars, he became very powerful. Did slavery ever ever end in the Star Wars universe?
J. Mini's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Why did Kingpin blame Miles for the loss of his family?

In Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse (2018) Alternate Universe Cut, Kingpin confronts Miles, even though his family died in a car accident. Kingpin: You took my family. And now I'm gonna make sure you ...
Hao Lano's user avatar
  • 1,229
1 vote
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(Old Manga) otome/romance where maid becomes heir [closed]

Looking For Old Manga Its a reverse harem (Otome)? Manga about a girl who was sent to work as a maid in a rich kid mansion by a grandpa. BUT it turns out in the grandpas will? He made HER the heir of ...
Elin's user avatar
  • 11
10 votes
0 answers

sci-fi story where an android is referred to as an intel, after the cpu manufacturer

This is probably young adult (thus the tag), but it is possible it is not. The main detail I remember from the story is that androids existed; one character said of another, "she's an intel",...
Mark's user avatar
  • 201

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