I am looking for a story in which a computer/AI lacks new input and therefore decides to destroy itself to create a new universe (akin to the Big Bang). 

Every particle of the computer becomes part of this new universe and through this the computer experiences everything there is to experience - from forming stars and planets to evolution of humans and living their lives. Finally, the universe ends in a kind of "Big Crunch" and the computer reforms itself with all the new data to process.

I am not looking for Asimov's "The Last Question" and Google failed me so far.

Edit: Unfortunately I haven't read the story (I am a librarian, who was tasked to find it out by a reader). The reader thinks the author might have been one of the classics (Asimov, Clark or Bradbury), but I haven't been able to find anything in any list of their short stories, nor in lists of stories of other classics, like Lem or Strugatsky brothers.

I am not sure about the language - I think it was probably English from what I was told (might have been translated).