In one word, Nope. But seeing the kind of person Randyll Tarly is, he would be exactly the sort of guy who'd side with people advocating genocide of Wildlings or at least letting them die of their own accord. Since the Tarlys dwell far in South, it is impossible that the Tarlys ever suffered from Wildling raiders in history so the Tarlys don't have any personal cause for hatred of Wildlings like [Mors Umber][1] does whose only daughter was abducted by raiders from beyond the wall. Randyll Tarly however strikes me as a man who would be Xenophobic so I suppose the only thing he feels for Wildlings is sheer contempt born out of xenophobia. Nevertheless, at that time, Tarly was busy [expelling Northmen][2] from Riverlands-Crownlands border regions , [sorting out Maidenpool][3] and [arranging the marriage of his son Dickon][4]. Later he was [moving on Kings Landing][5] in the aftermath of Margaery's arrest by The Faith while all the drama with the Wildling invasion and later resettlement was unfolding. He never said anything about Wildlings. Wildlings were a problem of the North and Warden of the North Roose Bolton. Tarly served the Warden of the South, Mace Tyrell. He had more pressing concerns like performing the duty of clearing the Riverlands from Bandits; which the Crown charged him with & later of getting ready to free Queen Margaery, a duty he owed to his liege lord Mace Tyrell. As you correctly state, What happened thousands of leagues away in Northern wilderness was not his concern or in any way threatening for him. >! However if he gets appointed Hand of the King in light of Kevan's >! murder, I suppose then he would have to form some opinion about >! wildling resettlement and do something about it. Only then would we be able to learn his thoughts about the Freefolk for sure. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: