Potential spoilers for [The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass][1] by Steven King. 

In the story, Eldred Jonas finally realizes that Roland and company just might be trig enough to worry about. Jonas visits their lodgings at Bar K and investigates. While there, Jonas tears up the boys' precious paper and photographs, strangles their messenger pigeons, pisses on their clothes, and altogether attempts to anger them into making a rash move. Jonas indeed finds evidence that is troubling, the biggest being the guns.

But he *doesn't* take their guns. He finds them stowed away beneath the floor, and he even notes that one pair looks like the real, sandlewood grip, deal. And... being the sly, coldhearted merc he is... he, uh, leaves them?

Why on mid-world would he leave them?

**Please no commentary on books V through VII. I just finished book IV. **

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Tower_IV:_Wizard_and_Glass