Late res, but screw it.

The short version is: Yes, they're Paildramon/Dinobeemon/Silphymon/Shakkoumon. The longer version is the following.

The Digimon series as a whole treat DNA Digivolution as one method of leveling up, by using the fusion partner as the power source for the core Digimon, the same role the Crests play.

This is the premise behind the Paildramon and Dinobeemon characters. They are respectively the ExVeemon-dominant and Stingmon-dominant results.

The Ryo Akiyama series of games from way back when (2000) is the main source for this in regards to the Adventure continuity. The second one (Tag Tamers) has the dual-outcome mechanic apply to Shakkoumon/MagnaAngemon and Angewomon/Silphymon as well, while the fourth (Brave Tamer) uses Paildramon and Dinobeemon as a regular part of Veemon's and Wormmon's lines.

For details on the former: