**I'm looking for the title/author of a short story.** ["Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful"](http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/title.cgi?69070) by Stuart Friedman. **The story begins with a young man who is living in some sort of computer-controlled utopia, and he is very upset because the computer informed him he [failed to achieve spontaneous love event #17 with female #632] (or something similar to this.)** > It was the eve of Progress-Stage Six, and the daily message had prescribed Stage Five Ecstasy Formula. Everyone, from 000 to 999, in Community Home 8051 for Pre-Mating Males in Progress-Stage Five, was experiencing the formula's balanced emotional heightening. Everyone, that is, except G17AZ(q):444,801,735 category male, known familiarly as 735. 735 stood in a small, mirrored, harshly-lighted meditation chamber, cut off from the goodness of the Community Mind. Under the plasti-skin contours of his perfect features he felt a flush of shame on his own imperfect face; he couldn't master the formula.