I remember reading a series of three books where the female protagonist was a vampire and she was basically just trying to live her new life... death... undeath?
Anyway, she lived in a sort of small mansion together with her dog and she had a few friends. I think a male human and a female werewolf. I think those two were together. I remember that the werewolf was always described by the protagonist as very beautiful and when she got pregnant and was quit sickly in the morning the protagonist remarked something like:
She was still abnormally beautiful. The only thing giving me a sense of satisfaction was the fact that she had to barf at the smell of cookies. Poor thing. More cookies for me, though.
Sadly I can't reproduce the dry humour of the protagonist. Bartimäus was nothing against her.
The humour is the main reason I want to read the books again and the thing that is the hardest to describe, so I will try to mention as many scenes I can remember.
Later she met a male vampire and they fell in love. Maybe he was the one who turned her into a vampire originally? Whenever they had a moment for themselves she afterwards couldn't find her underwear anymore.
At the end of one book she was fighting another vampire and her werewolf friend mentioned that the other vampire tried to poison her dog. The human remarks:
She tried to steal her house, kill her when she was a human, kill her again when she was a vampire and you think that trying ot poison her dog would make a difference?
The protagonist starts to growl "You tried to poison my dog!!" and puts a stake through her enemies heart. It was pretty funny because the list I tried to replicate above was quite a bit longer and the fight was already pretty long at that point.
She had interesting descriptions of her dog. Something like:
He was a crossbreed - the result of a wild night between Scooby-Doo and a beanbag chair.
When the protagonist finds out how she died the night someone made her a vampire she is not really sad that she died - instead she is ashamed that a drunk hunter mistook her for a deer in the night on a lone road and shot her when she was walking home alone.
I think she was working in a library.
I've read these books in German, maybe 5 years ago. The titles contained words like "Gut" (good) and "Böse" (evil). I don't think the books were more than a few years old at that point.
Can you help me remember the names of these books?