This reboot of Spiderman resembles the stories told on Marvel Earth #616, mostly in the comics of The Amazing Spiderman. Curiously enough, the first Spiderman movies had more in common with the Ultimate Spiderman from Earth-1610 than the canon Peter Parker from Earth-616.
- Peter Parker's parents WERE spies. Richard and Mary Parker (Amazing Spiderman #365)
- Peter Parker did create his first artificial mechanical webshooters. (Amazing Fantasy #15)
- The Lizard was both a friend and mentor to Parker, Doctor Curtis Conners, before he used a serum designed to regenerate limbs (made from lizard DNA) and became the Lizard. (Amazing Spiderman #6)
- Beautiful Gwen Stacey was indeed Parker's first girlfriend and she dies falling from a bridge, thrown by the Green Goblin. (first appearance Amazing Spiderman #31)
- Gwen Stacy dies in the seminal issue Amazing Spiderman #121