Today, I have been debating with my girlfriend for this. She says, Supergirl is younger than Superman. And, I say, Nope. According to her, Supergirl wasn't born when Krypton was destroyed. She was born on Agro City which survived Krypton's destruction. [Wikipedia][1] says, > Kara Zor-El is the last survivor of Argo City, which had survived the > explosion of the planet Krypton and drifted through space. When the > inhabitants of the colony are slain by Green Kryptonite, which was > released by meteorites striking the lead barrier, Kara is sent to > Earth by her father Zor-El **to be raised by her cousin** Kal-El > (Superman). Zor-El was seeking Superman to raise Supergirl. So, my girlfriend says that she won. But, I say the concern might be because she was a girl (But, I am not confident). I have seen Supergirl to try taking responsibility of her *baby cousin*. She has even said it exclusively that She don't like a Kryptonian half of her age flying into danger. I have seen it many times. So, I am confused. Does she say such things *humorously* or she is older than Superman? [1]: