The short answer is that it seems to be **standard policy** for Starfleet personnel to transport with both hands free, facing the front of the transporter. There are a few instances in Enterprise, Voyager and TNG where the crew beam into hostile situations with their phasers drawn or standing in a circle (or both) but these are very much the exception rather than the rule. **TNG : Legacy** **TOS: Day of the Dove** ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] As to *why* they keep their weapons drawn (and their hands inside the circle), the [Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Technical Manual][3] seems to suggest that it's a question of *transport efficiency* for a person to keep their whole self **directly above** the transport pad. > *... transport platform. **Performance is somewhat degraded if the unit must target the subject off-platform, especially in widely separated areas of the station.** The most efficient transports occur between platforms of like design, and even between platforms of dissimilar design, as in a beam-out from the ops platform to one aboard the Defiant. Since all transports involving living entities are zero fault-tolerant, degraded system performance is related only to a decreased amount of mass delivered per unit time. Transports employing lower resolution scans of nonbiologics may tolerate nanometer-scale voids and 0.001 percent molecular recombination errors.* [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: