### Sort of There are races scattered throughout the Horus Heresy novels that worship Chaos gods or demons. They're usually only plot devices that exist for the duration of that novel though. As far as the main races in 40k are concerned, they all have their own sort of unique quirk which gives them immunity from the Chaos gods. - Necrons have no souls so Chaos gods don't waste their time with them. - Tau are so focused on the Greater Good they are supposedly uncorruptable. - Tyranids are basically [cut off from the warp][1]. - And so on... There are always exceptions to these rules however. You'll find the occasional corrupted Tyranid, Ork or Necron construct here or there but for the most part, the Chaos gods focus mainly on humans. We are the easiest to corrupt and we taste the best. ---- But of course, in a pinch, there are always the [Chaos Squats][2]. [1]: https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Shadow_in_the_Warp [2]: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Chaos_Squat