So, the sequel (if we ignore *TAS*) to the original *Star Trek* is *Star Trek: The Next Generation*.  My question simply is: **are any of the regular bridge crew actually from the generation following that of the bridge crew in *TOS*?**

That is, if we say the members of Kirk's voyage were Generation 1, are any of the main crew members we see members of the generation following Generation 1?

I'm also including the CMOs, which means both Crusher and Pulaski.

Just to clarify, the people who I would classify as 'regular bridge crew members' are:

 - Picard
 - Riker
 - Data
 - LaForge
 - Worf
 - Troi
 - Yar
 - Crusher
 - Pulaski

And I'm not even going to worry about Wesley because he obviously can't be!