In the in-universe chronology, no; *Discovery* is the earliest known example of hologrammatic communications in the *Star Trek* universe. In the production history, holograms were used for communication a couple of times on *Deep Space Nine*; if I recall correctly, the first pair we see were installed on the *Defiant* and the USS *Malinche* in season 5's "For the Uniform": [![enter image description here][1]][1] >**Sisko:** Is the new holo-communicator ready? >**Kira:** The Chief's had it online for six hours now. I think he's eager to have someone give it a try. >**Sisko:** Always like to please the Chief. Open a channel to Captain Sanders on the *Malinche*. ><sup>*Deep Space Nine* Season 5 Episode 11: "For the Uniform"</sup> It got used a handful of times in future episodes, but it never really caught on and was quietly dropped. [1]: