I just stumbled across specifically needing to get somewhere on the opposite side of the sun. I've read the entire series and *Memory's Legion* and am reading thru a second time. **Much better** on second read! I'm going to openly discuss what happens in book 5 *Nemesis Games* so **stop now if you don't want spoiler**. *Nemesis Games* chapter 34 A Mars ship group is carrying Mars Prime Minister Smith to Luna for a big pow-wow between Avasarala, Fred Johnson and Smith. At this time Earth/Luna are opposite the Sun from their present position. The PM ship's escort group is drawn away by a clever ploy and a group of 6 other Martian warships 'conveniently near enough' are called on fill in as the PM's escort. But these other ships are in fact manned by Marco Inaros' belters and are tasked with boarding and taking control of the Prime Minister's ship. By chance, also aboard with PM Smith are Alex Kamal and Bobbie Draper with the racing pinnace Razorback stowed in a bay. At end of Chapter 34... With the PM's ship boarded, Alex, Draper and Smith are put onto the Razorback in a last ditch effort to get Draper and PM Smith to Luna. Alex discusses the fact that the **'best course' is inside orbit of Mercury but Razorback is rated to only 1/2 AU from Sun's coronal surface**. He then considers using Venus for slingshot but Venus is not in a location to be helpful. However, Venus slingshot might be useful in getting Earth military ships out to help protect *Razorback* so Alex sets course to Venus.