[Professor Bommsenn's Germ][1] by Ernest George Harmer is an option, a short story published in 1887. The story is available on the website technoccult [here][2]. A short description from the site is 

> A scientist uses electricity to evolve a germ into an evolved human. The mutant human has no teeth or hair and possesses some sort of mesmeric ability. A “spoof of current biology.”

Found using the search feature on the isfdb.org site from DavidW's answer, with the search query 'title contains germ, title does not contain german, sort by date'.

  [1]: https://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/title.cgi?1052516
  [2]: http://www.technoccult.net/2009/08/07/professor-bommsenns-germs/