There are two times when we see a transport from the POV of the transportee. From [Voy: "Prototype"][1] (unfortunately in monochrome due to the subject being a robot) [![View of the Voyager in space, obscured by an increasing density of white spots until it whites out, then clears in reverse to reveal the interior of Voyager.][2]][2] And [TNG: "Realms of Fear"][3] (from the perspective of Mr. Barclay). [![A view of the Enterprise transporter room as Barclay begins to beam out, with an vertical striping effect of white lines from top to bottom that expands into a static-like overlay as he starts to fade out. From his point of view a snow effect thickens to complete white-out then fades to reveal the interior of his destination. Finally from the perspective of the terminating transporter the snow effect fades out to leave him standing.][4]][4] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: