In [this what-if xkcd][1] there is this question and answer about Superman:

> **In the first Superman movie, Superman flies around Earth so fast that it begins turning in the opposite direction. This somehow turns back time [... ] How much energy would someone flying around the Earth have to exert in order to reverse the Earth's rotation?**
> **—Aidan Blake**
> Someone recently blew my mind by telling me I’d been misinterpreting that scene all my life. I like their take on it way better:
> Superman wasn't exerting a force on the Earth. He was just flying fast enough to go back in time. (Faster than light, I guess? Comic book physics.) The Earth changed direction because we were watching time run backward as he traveled. It didn't actually have anything to do with the direction he was flying.

Is there any other source, (writer interview, script note, etc. ) to back this assertion? 
