In the early 1990s, local television network affiliates across North America aired this promotional advertisement for *The Next Generation*, featuring a song sung to the tune of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire":

> Jean-Luc, Geordi's specs  
Mysteries on the holodecks  
Asteroids, triple droids  
Telepathic Betazoids  
Transporter, deadly claw  
Visitor from *L.A. Law*  
Photons, no Kirk  
Captain has gone berserk  

> Shuttlecraft, Counselor Troi  
Doctor Crusher's little boy  
Klingon rites, parasites  
New heights, phaser fights  
Data's head, Tasha's dead  
Riker's hangin' by a thread  
Celebration, transformation  
Everyone to battle stations  

> We didn't start the series  
It's the Next Generation on your favourite station  
We didn't start the series  
But when we are gone it will still be on and on and on...

**Who performed this song?**

I haven't been able to find a web site or other source with this information.

(Bonus: Who wrote the lyrics?)