MIB Agent names appear to be assigned based on the basis of first name. **Where two agents share a first initial, a second initial or a descriptor can be used to disambiguate.** In MiB3 we meet J's new partner ["*Double-A*"](https://meninblack.fandom.com/wiki/Agent_AA) (formerly Andrew Arnett). This presumably leaves the way open for there to also be an [*"Agent A"*][1] [![enter image description here][2]][2] In MiBI, we meet ["*High T*"][3], formerly Agent T. This presumably leads the way open for there to be a new [Agent T][4]. [![enter image description here][5]][5] [1]: https://meninblack.fandom.com/wiki/Agent_A [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/kGp1Q.png [3]: https://meninblack.fandom.com/wiki/High_T [4]: https://meninblack.fandom.com/wiki/Agent_T [5]: https://i.sstatic.net/NWpte.jpg