[Randall Garrett][1] published a poem with the following title: "**How to pronounce van Vogt**" which was produced for the Omniumgathum, a vanity print of short prose and poems intended for the sci-fi writers community. 

It was later reproduced in [Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine][2] which regularly carried stories by Van Vogt.

Randall Garrett met Van Vogt on numerous occasions by this point and his poem, although suggesting various humorous alternatives, finally settles on the correct answer; Van Vote (or as [Wikipedia][3] has it, /vænvoʊt/;)

> This is humorous poem. To those of you who may not know, "Vogt" is pronounced "vote."

  [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randall_Garrett
  [2]: http://www.icshi.net/sevagram/biblio/how-pronounce.php
  [3]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._E._van_Vogt