An engineering team was trapped aboard *Destiny*, and the planned expedition team never arrived ==== In *Stargate Universe: Back to Destiny*, a canon comic book followup to Season 2, [issue 1][1] shows Eli traveling to an unexplored section of the ship where there are stasis pods containing Ancients. [![enter image description here][2]][2] In [issue 2][3], these Ancients explain that they were engineers, not the expedition team designated for the mission. [![enter image description here][4]][4] > Vasi. My name is *Vasi*. It was not *our* mission. We are engineers, *not* explorers. She later recounts what happened, explaining that there was a last minute malfunction before *Destiny* launched that trapped them aboard. They were ordered to go into the stasis pods and await rescue from the expedition team, but they never arrived and they don't know why. [![enter image description here][5]][5] > Vasi (flashback): Then what are we supposed to do? > Superior (flashback, via audio): *Repair* the power systems in your section and take *refuge* in hibernation pods. When the *expedition team* arrives, you will return through the Astria Porta [Stargate]. > Eli: So what *did* you do? > Vasi: We followed orders. Now, as rescue would seem to be a million years in the past, we are trapped here with no way home. > Eli: For what it's worth, *that's* something we have in common. [1]: https:// [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: