**They don't.** In my opinion, those lines are there to paint us a picture of Delirium - a chaotic, unpredictable, and truly (wait for it) mad person[ification]. What she does is sometimes out of proportion, sometimes lacks causality, and is almost always not what you'd expect from a sane person. But to answer your actual question, those stories don't get more coverage in other comics. _Arguably_, the little girl she talks about could be the girl seen in chapter 5 - "Delirium: Going Inside" - of _Endless Nights_: [![][1]][1] I'm purposefully not adding more context, but this girl's mother claims that she was __catatonic__ for over a year; maybe this was Delirium's understanding of "happy for ever and ever and ever". [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/lCLKs.jpg