__Yes__ (Ummm…) At least one confirmed occasion, as seen in _Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith_, Palpatine visited the Jedi Temple. This occurs after Order 66, “all” of the Jedi have been wiped out after Mace Windu’s posse’s coup d’etat attempt, and Anakin Skywalker cleanses the Jedi temple on Coruscant of any anti-Emperor insurrectionists. In the film, Obi-Wan and Yoda’s view a holorecording of Darth Vader kneeing before the Emperor. Matthew Stover’s novelization holds that Darth Sidious traveled to the Temple in person. This in-person visit is supported by additional sources. The security recordings Kenobi and Yoda were looking at were of events going on inside the Jedi Temple training hall. The book _Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels_ states outright that these recordings were in part used to help in lightsaber training (and remember that much of the recording was of Anakin killing the lightsaber trainer Cin Drallig and his students). Additionally the “Casualty Report: Order 66” article in _Star Wars Insider_ also states that the actions were recorded on Jedi Temple holocamera TR4-121. We can conclude the camera continued to record Anakin after he finished killing Drallig and the trainees, and then Sidious steps into view and gives him the old "You have done well" routine. As confirmed at least in the novelization, the visit by the Dark Lord of the Sith occurs in person. Whether any Jedi would be happy to work with Sidious to share ideas on religion or galactic governance, however, is unknown because Sidious orchestrated their complete and total demise, ensuring anyone still inside the temple was murdered. The Jedi at this time would probably not be bending over backwards to put Palpatine in charge of the youngling training committee. However, this lack of any Jedi in the Temple to receive Darth Sidious on his visit is not any failure of the Sith to visit the temple, however, but rather highlights the ability of the Jedi to anticipate how such visits to their temple by the Sith might occur. The Sith likely would always be interested in visiting any Jedi Temple they can get their hands on. The Jedi simply didn’t have the right conditions in place to make the Sith’s visit the most positive experience it might have been.