I found this source but i don't know whether it is what you are after. > Thranduil’s sudden scars reflect a little emphasized of Tolkien’s lore: > elves’ “Fëar” (a metaphysical concept analogous translatable as > “soul”) occasionally influences the “Hröa” (the fleshly, physical > body), particularly under moments of extreme stress. This can > manifest as extreme physical changes that reflect the mind’s state, in > this case deep war scars. [Source][1] Edit : I have also found this reference which seems to state that Tolkien made no reference to the Scars on Thranduil's face in the books. > Thranduil's scars are decidedly non-canon. According to > Tolkien's texts, the last battle Thranduil saw (up to setting in > The Hobbit) was that of the last alliance at the end of The Second > Age. However, in the 1900's of the Third Age, according to text, > the "serpents of the north" were fought and mostly slain. In > all likelihood, Peter Jackson is taking creative liberty with the > story. On a more symbolic note, the scars could represent the pain > Thranduil has endured in war (he watched his father die in the battle > of the last alliance). [Source][2] [1]: http://askmiddlearth.tumblr.com/post/71302074745/whats-up-with-thranduils-face-in-desolation-of-smaug [2]: https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20131222024209AANT4mQ