I'm looking for a TV pseudo documentary, from around 200x-201x. I watched it on cable, possibly Discovery Channel. The title may be similar to "water world" (the movie, I know) - A giant ice comet crashed with our Moon or passed Earth's Roche limit, forming a ring system around Earth. - These ice meteorites periodically come down, rise the sea level. And whenever a bigger piece falls down, a huge Tsunami formed, wreaking havoc around the world. - As the result, governments around the world start various plans to combat this situation. - Micronesia islands were gone first, created a refugee crisis. - The EU's plan is building a very high wall around their cities. But one failed catastrophically (a Spanish city I think), as the wall cannot be built high enough, created a huge number of death. - The US has 2 plans, one is moving higher inland (there could be a scene showing Hollywood Hills with a lot of refugees tent?). Another is build floating cities. Those cities are not one big structure, but a collection of smaller modules. - There is a talk about the floating cities being vulnerable to Tsunami, feature [FLIP][1] I watched only the first episode, so I can only remember this much. I tried to google it with "floating city documentary", "ice comet strike", "flooded earth" to no avail. [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RP_FLIP