Because the truth is while the Globe can pay twice the money for the photos, **that's only if they actually do buy the photos**. Publishing photos on a large and prestigious newspaper is not as easy as it may sound and it definitively doesn't happen every day. In order for the Globe to pay for the photos they need to be really good and unique and **illustrate an event the Globe is interested in running** on front page or on a page with enough importance to justify paying the specified rate (and that they don't have a photo already, be it an archive photo, an in-house photoreporter photo or something else). The Daily Bugle is a sure to go place to sell pictures of Spider-Man because Jonah Jameson is obsessed with Spider-Man and the whole editorial line of the Daily Bugle is too. That means that they overflow their readers with stories about Spider-Man and thus, there's a much higher chance they want the photos to publish a story about it. Disrespecting of their poses, both want the same thing. Jonah wants the photos but pretends those are really bad to pay less for them. Peter says he can sell them to the Globe but that is only true if the Globe is actually interested in them... and they may not. The truth is even in a particular situation the Globe is interested in your photo and you know it will pay more for it, you still have to offer them to Jonah first as to not damage your relationship with the newspaper that buys the most of your photos in a regular basis.