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For questions about the long running epic fantasy series, "Shannara ", written by Terry Brooks (also adapted for a TV series), mostly depicting the Four Lands after a distant cataclysm, with many trilogies following different generations of the Ohmsford family, who are greatly removed descendants of the Shannara line of Elven royalty.

10 votes

Do they speak English in the Four Lands in Shannara?

We do know that at least the written language has changed, as books from the Great Wars (which would most likely be English) have to be translated by those who know the language (i.e. Druids). For sp …
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17 votes
1 answer

Ruins of famous landmarks in Shannara

In the previews for the show "The Chronicles of Shannara", they often show things like a moss covered Space Needle on it's side, and a large cargo ship. …
2 votes

Where did the magic come from in the Shannara series?

There was another world before the world of the Great Wars, called the World of Faerie. That's where the Elves came from, the King of the Silver River, as well as other things (Morgawr was from there …
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