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This tag has three different uses: for questions specifically about the movie version of a work which has been adapted for different media (use together with the work tag); for questions seeking identification of a movie (use together with the [story-identification] tag); or for wider genre questions about movies as a whole (generally together with the [history-of] tag).

1 vote

Movie about a game show where the prize is a new life

That's almost certainly "Logan's Run". There was a short-lived television show based on the film, too, but the film is what you're going to probably want to see, especially if you don't remember it v …
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2 votes

What movie was the first to feature onscreen zombie children?

That's probably the earliest example of a film we'd recognize as a "zombie" movie today, in fact. So, child monsters were a part of this genre pretty much from the very beginning! … This sort of film is sort of a twin sister of the modern "zombie" movie, in which nightmarish and poorly-understood forces turn your neighbors into soulless monsters while your parents' comfortable, orderly …
ywhateley's user avatar
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1 vote

Why don't people in zombie movies ever know what zombies are?

+1 to Tango's excellent Genre Blindness answer. And actually, it isn't that people in zombie movies never know what zombies are - in fact, there's more than one example of "the Z-word" being used in …
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Movie on daytime TV in the mid-80's ... Children enter pink cave, each of them gets a visibl...

I'd be betting on the "Invaders from Mars" remake as well. If that's not it, it's possibly the film adaptation of Heinlein's "The Puppet Masters", which I seem to recall having a similar plot, though …
ywhateley's user avatar
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3 votes

What is this old movie that featured round, flat creatures that killed by touch?

You might be thinking of the low-budget Roger Corman horror movie "It Conquered the World" (with Peter Graves!) …
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