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This tag has three different uses: for questions specifically about the movie version of a work which has been adapted for different media (use together with the work tag); for questions seeking identification of a movie (use together with the [story-identification] tag); or for wider genre questions about movies as a whole (generally together with the [history-of] tag).

3 votes
2 answers

1950s or 1960s movie about an expedition to a living planet

I saw this movie on TV in the US in about 1971 or 1972. I'm pretty sure that the movie was older than that, though. …
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13 votes

Movie about a civilization with limited life span and an integrated light indicator in their...

This is the 1976 film or 1977 TV series Logan's Run. The post-apocalyptic inhabitants of a domed city have crystal life clocks embedded in their palms. When they reach 30 years old (21 in the novel) …
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Mid-late 70's movie showing scientists exiting a control room after completing their task in...

Could this be The Time Travelers, from 1964? Clips visible here. It was also featured in Mystery Science Theater's 11th season. The scientists travel through a portal to the future, which is a stan …
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8 votes

ID a story with someone (a woman I think) taken hostage by an AI

Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) Doctor Forbin was the name of the primary creator of the giant computer Colossus. Doctor Cleo Markham was another scientist on the project, maybe his second-in-com …
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Sci-fi movie — abandoned spaceship returns to Earth

The movie can be seen here. It was also used in a Mystery Science Theater episode. …
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12 votes

MST3K-reviewed science fiction film that involved a chase scene (and I think some ramming) i...

The floor buffer vehicles were referred to in the movie as "Enforcers". Here is a link to the episode on YouTube. The 'enforcer' 'chase' 'scene' starts around 1:16:53. … RiffTrax also covered the movie in a live show recently. …
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