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33 votes

How many genies are there in Disney's Aladdin canon?

Looking through the full list of Aladdin characters, the genies that we see on screen are Genie, Evil Genie, Jafar, and Eden. While we know that Jafar was originally human before wishing to become a ...
DCOPTimDowd's user avatar
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17 votes

What were the wishes Disney's Aladdin made?

Aladdin's three wishes are: "Genie, I wish for you to make me a prince" - 43:55 "Genie, I want you to save my life" - 1:01:00 "I wish for your freedom" - 1:19:30 For ...
Valorum's user avatar
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13 votes

What is written on Aladdin's lamp?

We don't know. Like you said, there is clearly no visible writing on the lamp in the movie, and it's never mentioned again. BONUS: Let's go to the source! In "Aladdin" from 1001 Nights, there is no ...
PlutoThePlanet's user avatar
13 votes

Why was Iago hiding in Jafar's 'Old Man' disguise?

Jafar is disguising himself as a hunchbacked man: But Jafar's own back is perfectly straight: Iago is hiding inside the "old man's" tattered robe to create the illusion of a hunch, adding to the ...
Ryan Veeder's user avatar
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1 vote

What does this writing by the genie in Disney's Aladdin say?

I am Arab > "بوقلمون" It looks like a quote from the Arabic word "لو تعلمون" which means "if you know" in Arabic language.
salim D's user avatar
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