Howard Phillips Lovecraft, also known as H.P. Lovecraft was an American author of horror, fantasy and science fiction between 1917 and 1937, especially the subgenre known as 'weird fiction'.
HP Lovecraft (born 1890) wrote the majority of his stories in the 1920s, and was greatly influenced by contemporary scientific breakthroughs, as well as his aversion to seafood, the works of Edgar Allen Poe, Lord Dunsany and his fears of the decline of civilisation.
Some of his most notable works include Call of Cthulhu, and his series of stories around Randolph Carter. He later inspired a wider mythos named after the elder being Cthulhu, which are found under cthulhu-mythos.
The overarching theme of his works included the idea that human beings are insignificant in the universe (personified by various uncaring elder beings), known as 'Cosmic Horror'.
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