20 votes

Does Ivan Vanko's first suit enhance his strength, or is he supposed to be incredibly strong?

According to this (according to this answer) Marvel-sanctioned graphic, yes, it provides enhanced strength. Click to enlarge Hydraulic arm and leg attachments increase Whiplash's strength by roughly ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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8 votes

In Iron Man 2 why was Vanko's suit able to match Tony's?

My impression from the film was that it was less a matter of Vanko's suit matching up in power, and more that Vanko is a significantly better fighter, as a consequence of his survival in the prisons, ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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What element saved Iron Man from his blood poisoning?

Badassium This can be seen in Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week Volume 8: Fury: He's working on a patent for "Badassium," but has encountered several bureaucratic obstacles.
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
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7 votes

Couldn't Tony Stark cure his palladium poisoning by taking the ARC reactor out of his chest?

Tony Stark should be able to figure out the appropriate order of actions. Step 1.) replace poisonous arc reactor with something that isn't crazy overkill. Step 2.) Work on replacing the palladium ...
ShameWare's user avatar
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In Iron Man 2, what does Black Widow say to Tony Stark in Latin?

According to the film's official novelisation, her line is as follows And he asked the question that he thought someone probably had wanted to ask him that day. "How do you sleep at night?" ...
Valorum's user avatar
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6 votes

How can Rhodes fit into his suit in Iron Man 2?

That suit was prepared for Rhody - at least that's what is implied during this conversation in Iron Man 2, Randy's Donuts scene (emphasis mine): Fury: You let your friend fly away with your suit. Now,...
Petersaber's user avatar
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5 votes

In Iron Man 2, why did Tony Stark not use a battery to keep the magnet working instead of poisoning himself with Paladium?

Pure Speculation Follows By Iron Man 2, Tony Stark is using the Arc Reactor not just to keep the shrapnel out of his heart, but to power Iron Man and, by his own lights, to protect the world: Tony ...
gowenfawr's user avatar
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4 votes

Why didn't Stark sue the government for stealing his armour in Iron Man 2

The suit wasn't stolen. Watch the movie more closely, during the donut shop scene it was very subtlety revealed that Tony Stark allowed Rhodey to take the suit because it was his legacy. Tony was ...
harks's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a voice speaking when Tony creates the new element in "Iron Man 2"?

Yes there is a voice, it's the AI Jarvis congratulating Tony on creating the new element.
Joliv424's user avatar
3 votes

Did Rhodey get in trouble for the Stark Expo attack?

I don't think that Rhodey got into trouble because a SHIELD Agent (Romanoff) was present for the event and could vouch that his suit had been hacked since she had to hack in as well to put him back in ...
user61524's user avatar
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2 votes

How can Rhodes fit into his suit in Iron Man 2?

in the first movie if Tony already built the arc reactor into Rhodes’ suit then how come we don't see Rhodes struggle to get in the suit Rhodes, of course, doesn’t get into any Iron Man suit until ...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar

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