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53 votes

Why didn't the Federation ever replace the Cardassian systems with their own on Deep Space Nine?

There are a few reasons we can intuit. DS9 isn't a Federation starbase, it's technically Bajoran. Starfleet was focused on getting it to work, and only replaced the essential systems. They weren't ...
ench's user avatar
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39 votes

Why didn't the Federation ever replace the Cardassian systems with their own on Deep Space Nine?

They were replacing the Cardassian components. Or if they couldn't replace them, at least making sure that they conformed to Federation standards. ILORA: But these relays don't have nearly as much ...
Valorum's user avatar
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9 votes

How Were the LCARS Panel Set Props Made in Star Trek?

The panels were designed by Mike Okuda and printed on plastic film, which was then back-lighted. Later on they used actual flat-panel displays.
Keith Morrison's user avatar
2 votes

Possible in-universe explanations for LCARS redesign in Nemesis

For in-universe explanations, it probably has a similar logic to the DS9/First Contact uniform change, that it's just more "militaristic" looking and reflects a shift in mindset. Same goes for updated ...
user1559112's user avatar
1 vote

Why didn't the Federation ever replace the Cardassian systems with their own on Deep Space Nine?

For a real-world answer: According to the contemporary book 'The Making of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens, in a section dealing with the evolving early production ...
Lance's user avatar
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