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41 votes

Was Ron's failed Transfiguration actually his fault?

Good question - ultimately one for the movie though, since, in the book, Ron wasn't trying to transfigure Scabbers, but rather, beetles into buttons. Here is what we do know about Transfiguration and ...
NKCampbell's user avatar
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32 votes

What color are Ron's eyes?

Blue MA: What color are Ron's eyes? JKR: Ron's eyes are blue. Have I never said that, ever? [JKR covers her eyes.] MA: They’ve been dying for us to ask this. JKR: Blue. Harry's green, Ron's blue, and ...
Himarm's user avatar
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26 votes

Was Ron's failed Transfiguration actually his fault?

To answer the question as set by the title, yes, it is likely Ron's fault due to his skill, but the broken wand does not help the situation by any means. We know from Goblet of Fire that it is ...
amflare's user avatar
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21 votes

What is Ron trying to say in Chapter Eleven of "Order of the Phoenix"

Nearly Headless Nick was upset at something Ron said, considering it mockery of his death: ‘Terrified? I hope I, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, have never been guilty of cowardice in my life! The ...
Andrew's user avatar
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21 votes

Was Ron's failed Transfiguration actually his fault?

It isn't clear if Scabbers being an Animagus would affect the spell. Transfiguring animals is relatively simple - it's taught to the first-years at Hogwarts. Their Transfiguration exam in their first ...
Obsidia's user avatar
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20 votes

What color are Ron's eyes?

It was stated in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (when they were destroying the Horcrux locket) that Ron's eyes are blue. Harry thought he saw a glimpse of scarlet in Ron's eyes, but when the ...
yeldah_mislim's user avatar
20 votes

Why is Ron addressed as Ronald Bilius Weasley?

As jwodder has pointed out in a comment, in the UK (and presumably the wizarding community in the UK), it's not a legally binding requirement to give a child the same middle name as their parent. Your ...
Valorum's user avatar
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17 votes

Did Ron Weasley have some sort of seer blood or prophetic powers?

From the examples you show plus those in the following posts. Quora Book 2 (About why Riddle received the award for special services to the school): "Maybe he got thirty O.W.L.s or saved a ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
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15 votes

Is Dumbledore Ron in the future?

False. Confirmed by J.K. Rowling herself on Twitter. Samantha: Dear @jk_rowling: Ron is a time-traveling Dumbledore -- fact or theory? J.K. Rowling: False theory.
Skooba's user avatar
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13 votes

Why does Mrs. Weasley always give Ron maroon clothes?

In Chapter Six of Philosopher's Stone we find the following: Ron had taken out a lumpy package and unwrapped it. There were four sandwiches inside. He pulled one of them apart and said, “She always ...
Alex's user avatar
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5 votes

Is Ron Weasley the master of Bellatrix Lestrange's first wand?

The concept of “master of a wand“ is only used in context with the Elder Wand. It is true, that wands work better for their real owner as they chose them and are a good fit. And they build a bond ...
Tode's user avatar
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4 votes

Why didn't the Trio use unforgiveable curses to destroy the Horcruxes?

Why would it work? You can't imperio a diadem, You can't torture a diary, You can't kill a locket. You have to damage the vessel the horcrux is in beyond magical repair, not just the soul part.
Doctor Two's user avatar
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2 votes

Is Ron Weasley smart?

In the books we see several instances where Ron's intelligence shows: Ron is the one who frees the members of Dumbledore's Army from Umbridge's supporters by tricking Crabbe and Goyle into eating '...
PMar's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Is Ron Weasley the master of Bellatrix Lestrange's first wand?

As pointed out, Ollivander says the wand belonged to Bellatrix. Therefore the wand isn't hers, So it's either Harry's or Ron's. If we trace the path of the wand: Bellatrix looked around, shocked; she ...
MBEllis's user avatar
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1 vote

Is Ron Weasley the master of Bellatrix Lestrange's first wand?

Actually the above outline is incorrect. It should go: As pointed out, Ollivander says the wand belonged to Bellatrix. Therefore the wand isn't hers, So it's Ron's. If we trace the path of the wand: ...
cindy's user avatar
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1 vote

Ron has Charlie’s old wand

We know from throughout this series that every wizard can use any wand, but some wands pair with the wizard best. This can be a benefit or curse to the user, as it's clear that although wands are ...
arpanet101's user avatar

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