The Dark Knight is a critically-acclaimed 2008 superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan. It is a sequel to 2005's Batman Begins and chronicles the rise of the Joker. The film takes its name from a common moniker for Batman, used often in the associated DC Comics comic books.
The Dark Knight is a critically-acclaimed 2008 superhero film directed by Anglo-American filmmaker Christopher Nolan. It is a sequel to 2005's Batman Begins. The film chronicles the rise of the Joker and Harvey "Two-Face" Dent. The film takes its name from a common moniker for Batman, used often in the associated DC Comics source material.
The high-grossing film was lauded for its gritty realism, its emphasis on detective work and the legal system, and for its IMAX-captured cityscapes, particularly those of Chicago (a stand-in for Gotham City) and Hong Kong.
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