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11 votes

Young adult novel, read in early '60s, about a spacecraft travelling from Earth to a mysterious purple planet

This is Emperor of Space by Tom Allum. It was first published in 1959, and again in 1960 as Boy Beyond the Moon. I've not been able to find a copy, and while there seems to be conflicting sources as ...
fez's user avatar
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Young adult sci-fi novel about a young female human slightly modified to survive on on a jungle planet

Not entirely sure, since I haven't read the story itself, but could this be More Than Honor? It's an anthology for the Honor Harrington series, and the first story in it (A Beautiful Friendship) ...
kenod's user avatar
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70s YA adventure 4 boys to moon in Apollo-style rocket/capsule

"Moon Base One" from the "Chris Godfrey of Unexa" series by Hugh Walters? The boy is called Tony Hale.
sueelleker's user avatar

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