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Book where the main character has healing powers but the love interest makes them sick

These Vicious Masks, These Ruthless Deeds, and These Vengeful Souls by Tarun Shanker. I was looking for this book series for too and just found it! England, 1882. Evelyn is bored with society and its ...
Meagan's user avatar
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fantasy book from 2012/13, young girl with powers from poorest part of kingdom, pursued by a captain

Have you by any chance been looking for a trilogy by Trudi Canavan called The Black Magician trilogy? It's a story about girl, who live in the kingdom, but she is a commoner. She has magical powers. ...
Алексей Иванов's user avatar
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Book about a girl who went to a grocery store that had monsters

Might be Clean Sweep (2013), the first book in the Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews - The main protagonist is attacked by a monster at the supermarket. Here's the blurb: On the outside, Dina ...
Dai's user avatar
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Young fantasy book about a group of teenagers who have magical beasts

Could this be Wild Born by Brandon Mull? Four children separated by vast distances all undergo the same ritual, watched by cloaked strangers. Four flashes of light erupt, and from them emerge the ...
Valorum's user avatar
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80 or 90ies Anime, something about a submarine and apocalypse?

I am almost sure you're referring to the OVA Blue Submarine no. 6 Here (animeclick) you can find some more images It is set in a post apocalyptic future where almost all the surface of the Earth was ...
McTroopers's user avatar
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Mars and Earth are at war because the men who live in space are semi-sterile and can't father daughters

This is probably Raiders from the Rings (1962) by Alan E. Nourse. The Google Books blurb for the book reads: A young adult novel in which the human race is divided into the Spacers and those who ...
DavidW's user avatar
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Name of a YA book about a girl who undergoes secret experimental surgery that makes her super smart

Is this Mad Skills (2010) by Walter Greatshell...? Unconscious for fourteen months after a debilitating accident, Maddy Grant awakens at the Braintree Institute, where scientists have successfully ...
LogicDictates's user avatar
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Time travel story where the female protagonist travels to Chicago World's Fair and escapes H. H. Holmes' hotel

A Google search turns up Timebound (2013) by Rysa Walker. The blurb reads: When Kate Pierce-Keller's grandmother gives her a strange blue medallion and speaks of time travel, sixteen-year-old Kate ...
DavidW's user avatar
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1990s or early 2000s TV series about a boy trying to go home, he ends up on different adventures accompanied by 2 companion

Might it be Josh Kirby... Time Warrior!? In the 25th century, humans discover an alien device dubbed the "Nullifier". This device is said to be capable of controlling, or worse, destroying ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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