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Infinity Milestone's user avatar
Infinity Milestone
  • Member for 3 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • A Dark Corner of the Incredibly Big Universe
17 votes

Why didn't Lucius recognize Harry in the Malfoy Manor?

3 votes

Gilden-Fire hardcover by Stephen Donaldson

2 votes

Why didn't the Ministry perform Legilimens on Harry Potter?

2 votes

What are the limits on transferring objects during fireplace-to-fireplace conversations? Is it exploitable?

2 votes

Comic about two children who live on an asteroid

1 vote

The Full Body-Bind (Petrificus Totalus) curse appears to be strictly better than Stupefy, so why is Stupefy so common?

1 vote

Why did Hermione lie about the troll?

1 vote

Why didn’t Bellatrix ask Hermione if it was Harry Potter during interrogation?

1 vote

Anime with summoned mecha beasts, "teslajoules" and possibly a beast named Dragoon. Seen between 2009-2013

1 vote

Does all childhood magic duplicate actual spells?

0 votes

Book with blob-like non-humanoid alien that fuses with human

0 votes

Could someone be Imperiused after suffering the Dementor's Kiss?