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giacomo casanova's user avatar
giacomo casanova's user avatar
giacomo casanova
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
  • anywhere i chose to go
0 votes

Why does the Amazonian nation have zero population?

2 votes

In the "The Fly 2", why did teleporting cure his son?

1 vote

Why didn't Pandorica's restoration field bring back Dalek in the Roman era?

0 votes

In Doctor Who, why don't the Doctor and gang bump into other traveling Timelords?

-1 votes

Why did the Silence need a space suit?

3 votes

Is the Teen Titans Robin Tim Drake or Dick Grayson?

1 vote

Why didn't Weeping Angels kill Sally Sparrow when she grabbed TARDIS key?

0 votes

Do Vampire fangs act as straws?

18 votes

Why do vampires need blood?

0 votes

Was Gallifreyan history really changed in The Day of the Doctor?

9 votes

Does The Doctor ever have a non-British companion or non-humanoid friend?

-1 votes

In which episode are there two Doctors at a time?

1 vote

How did Dorium Maldovar know?

-1 votes

How long does it take Bruce Wayne to get into his Bat Suit?

0 votes

Do we ever hear Trenzalore/Gallifrey's message in episodes prior to The time of the Doctor?

2 votes

Why doesn't Batman make an armored suit like Iron Man's?

1 vote

How does Batman disappear?

1 vote

Are all vampires back sleepers?

1 vote

How does the doctor age faster during the events of The Time of The Doctor?