(your about me is currently blank, or that is, it was blank until we added the information about it being blank. So to be clear, let us say it is no longer blank, but it does not hold any information about you either, or that is, it holds information available trough deduction which accumulate into something about you having a blank about me page, which is no longer blank due to this, but it is something in there about who you are, or is it? As we want to be truthful, this note is manually added after you create the profile in which this about me resides. But then again, if we added it before you created the profile your about me would still be blank, or that is before we added this text, or that is, it would not be blank because it would not exist and as such something that does not exist cannot be blank, or in theory it could be said that being blank is simply another way of saying it does not exist, but then we would have to add a note for every possible blank pages you one day might or might not be the author of, or possible author thereof, as you might or might not add any text to the about me section. By doing so the about me would come into existence but as we do not know the me part of the about me it becomes a conundrum likely not to be solved. As it also would be blank, that is before we added this text, that could say something about you, the fact that you have a blank about me. Then again it could, or could not, tell more about you if you do not have a about me at all, that is, you have not yet created this profile.)
EnthusiastMay 13, 2014
ConstituentJan 26, 2015
× 5Apr 8, 2019
TumbleweedMay 10, 2014
Tag EditorMay 4, 2014
Self-LearnerSep 7, 2015