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Hannover Fist's user avatar
Hannover Fist
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

Movie or Series - Identification containing a scene where a boy get murdered by grinding the rear wheel of a motorcycle on his face?

1 vote

Dystopia where you're watched but NOT 1984

2 votes

What was the first story to feature the plot "the monsters were human all along"?

16 votes

What was the first story to feature the plot "the monsters were human all along"?

24 votes

Has Star Trek ever had any battle droid-like entities?

0 votes

Which Sci-Fi work first showed romance between a human and an android?

3 votes

Are there any sentient plant species in Star Trek?

1 vote

Old 1960's Fantasy Film (Possibly Sword & Sandal type movie)

12 votes

Has a Star Trek doctor ever been randomly injured in an attack?

7 votes

Are any regular bridge crew on TNG actually members of the next generation?

4 votes

Did any Star Trek actor play both a Starfleet crewmember and one of the encountered aliens?

5 votes

Why does the Death Star's superweapon have to be made up of smaller beams?

0 votes

Has any reference been made to Earth or the Milky Way in Star Wars EU?