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Patrick Wynne's user avatar
Patrick Wynne
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
172 votes

Has an injured Flash ever used super-speed to walk on his hands?

77 votes

Did the writers of Wonder Woman have some kind of fetish for bondage, in the early comics?

43 votes

Are the edges of Captain America’s shield blunted or sharp?

24 votes

Book series with college students finding a way to open portals to other planets

22 votes

Has any Marvel or DC character been played by the same person, first in cartoon and then in live-action?

17 votes

In the beginning of Gotham, why are the Waynes walking through the alley?

16 votes

Who are these classic DC characters?

16 votes

Did Luke lose his X-Wing on Cloud City?

14 votes

Symbology in the Lantern Corps emblems?

14 votes

Why do we see lightning when a sandworm breaches the surface?

14 votes

What are those Image Comics?

12 votes

What happened to Babylon 4 after the war between Shadows and Minbari ended a thousand years ago?

12 votes

Why did James Gunn direct all those Stan Lee cameos?

11 votes

What does this text say, on a cover for The Return of the King?

10 votes

Can anyone recognise this Batman villain?

9 votes

Is Airiam supposed to be a robot or android?

9 votes

What is the significance of the Ravager Flames?

8 votes

Why was DC’s Anarky a minor?

8 votes

How much time has passed on Orphan Black from S1-4?

7 votes

Are there any superheroes in DC that break the fourth wall?

7 votes

What TV movie had lost space cadets who piloted yellow tripod robots, and a squid bad guy?

6 votes

Graphic novel following a female character getting recruited into a revolutionary anti establishment type war

6 votes

Why does All Star Superman have the space shuttle Columbia in the Fortress of Solitude?

5 votes

Can a member of the not named clan ask for a trial of refusal to save his clan?

5 votes

Superboy/Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes

5 votes

comic miniseries: Teenagers show superpowers, conscripted into military

5 votes

Did "24 Hours" happen in any other comic besides Sandman?

3 votes

Name of villain in comic Doom Patrol

3 votes

Science fiction book where the protagonist has a tiny shoulder-sitting dragon

3 votes

What did Kady's note to Penny say?