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CBredlow's user avatar
CBredlow's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Seattle, WA
6 votes

Why is a Green Lantern's weakness the color yellow?

1 vote

Is there any crossover between Star Trek TV shows after the broadcast of Enterprise?

13 votes

Are words necessary to perform Sorcery in the Belgariad?

13 votes

Why doesn't the Separatist Army use more non-droid soldiers?

31 votes

Are there any canon non-humanoid Jedi?

13 votes

Are there any plants on Tatooine?

5 votes

Do Twileks and Togrutas have PPE for their lekkus?

1 vote

How many MCU villains were in some way created by the Stark family?

4 votes

Living Force, Cosmic Force, Midi-chlorians?

25 votes

How does AT-AT deploy troops?

49 votes

Is there an in-universe explanation given to the senior Imperial Navy Officers as to why Darth Vader serves Emperor Palpatine?

5 votes

What are the issues with Hank Pym in the comics?

4 votes

Can The Malloreon be read without first reading The Belgariad?

20 votes

Who do these helmets belong to?

18 votes

Movie with elfin characters, a girl having a vision, and an adventurer boy

41 votes

What is the symbol in the Infinity War post-credits scene?

10 votes

Why didn't Voyager make a cloaking device?

38 votes

What is the first use of the word "Padawan"?

3 votes

How big is Snoke's command ship compared to a Super Star Destroyer?

13 votes

Did the Justice League poster intentionally use the same style as a graphic novel collection?

7 votes

What are all the other treasures in Odin's treasury?

4 votes

In Star Trek do the names of species and their ability to interbreed point to a founder species?

10 votes

How and why does this character in the Belgariad die?

4 votes

Are beasts of burden in Middle-earth used by the Evil Forces considered inherently "evil"?

2 votes

Was the continued urbanization of Coruscant ever protested?

35 votes

What is the purpose of the Millennium Falcon's "mandibles"?

4 votes

How did Marius make it to Mephisto's secret lair in Diablo2?

31 votes

Why are there no Imperial KX-series Security Droids in the original trilogy?

68 votes

What are those "sticks" on Jyn Erso's back?

5 votes

What was the combat role of the airspeeder's co-pilot?