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Petersaber's user avatar
Petersaber's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Poland
152 votes

Why do ships burn in space when hit by lasers?

108 votes

Did Captain America know Iron Man needs his arc reactor to live?

72 votes

Where did the idea that TIE Fighters are weak and disposable come from?

47 votes

Are any ships in Star Wars capable of intergalactic travel?

40 votes

Why can't Zerg use Terran technology?

37 votes

Why is Clint not entranced by Wanda Maximoff in Age of Ultron?

37 votes

Is Sisko referring to the events of First Contact here and if so how does it affect things?

33 votes

What was Admiral Ackbar's name?

31 votes

What is the identity of this Rebel starship?

30 votes

Are those White Walkers that attack Bran Stark and Co. on their quest to find the Three-eyed raven?

19 votes

How did Starfleet have an admiralty if it didn't have a fleet?

18 votes

Rumors in the Night's Watch about Valyrian Steel as White Walkers weakness?

16 votes

How did the vibranium lift Sokovia?

16 votes

Why doesn't Batman seek out a Yellow Lantern ring?

16 votes

2002/2003 PC Game about Super-soldiers winning against aliens but losing Earth coming back?

15 votes

Did the Klingons join the Federation?

14 votes

Can a Changeling survive in space?

13 votes

Are blaster bolts affected by gravity?

13 votes

When did Space Marines become more 'religious'

12 votes

What had Darth Sidious planned for Darth Maul?

11 votes

Which Star Trek:TNG episode does Data asks Picard whether a human has a moral obligation to use augmented prosthetic?

11 votes

How did the Centurions gain undetected entry to Galactica?

9 votes

Why do the trill need a symbiont if the Guardians can transfer memories?

8 votes

What has Lieutenant Lopez been consuming during interrogation sessions?

7 votes

Were there two Death Stars in construction at the same time?

7 votes

Why does Archer hate cyborgs?

7 votes

Why did the authorities think the Winter Soldier is responsible for this attack?

7 votes

Is there a .wav file of this Enterprise D sound effect?

7 votes

Has Superman ever won a fight by using brains over brawn? (Except for Heat Vision Lobotomy)

6 votes

How can Rhodes fit into his suit in Iron Man 2?