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jared.nesbit's user avatar
jared.nesbit's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Farawayville
86 votes

Why does Wong laugh for the first time at the end of the movie?

26 votes

Is Borg adaptation only temporary?

21 votes

Do Grays exist in Star Trek?

19 votes

Why wasn't Vader's armour made of Beskar?

13 votes

Science fiction movie featuring an octopus type alien

13 votes

Why the Jedi or Darth Vader don't use the Force powers in space fights?

12 votes

How can Snoopy's Doghouse fit so many people?

12 votes

Why didn't Cloak of Levitation save Doctor Strange the first time he got stabbed?

9 votes

Was Lando referring to this event on Cloud City?

7 votes

What kind of rock is Ben Grimm made of?

7 votes

Who commanded the Republic Navy at the beginning of the Clone Wars?

6 votes

Is there power armour in Star Trek?

6 votes

Is Data implying that he will hurt Q?

5 votes

Why do Kaecilius and his minions never use any relics as weapons?

5 votes

Do these species differ from humans in any other way according to canon?

3 votes

What happens if a non-Supe uses this substance?

3 votes

What did Tony Stark say to the press?

3 votes

Does Thor's hammer give power or channel it?

2 votes

Would Thanos have been able to retrieve the Time Stone if Dr. Strange had given it to Dormammu?

1 vote

Short story about a man betting a group he could tell a story, and one of them would disappear and the others would not notice

1 vote

Where are the Ancient One's reinforcements?

0 votes

Have aliens contributed any technology to humanity?