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  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
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1 vote

What happens to those who were inside during the fidelius and they step outside? Are they under the fidelius, too?

4 votes

Why does Luna Lovegood behave like that?

0 votes

Would becoming an animagus help keep a maledictus from becoming their animal forever?

5 votes

Demerzel and the Laws of Robotics

8 votes

Does the phrase "Return of the XXX" actually predate Return of the Jedi and Return of the King in common usage?

1 vote

Was Harry ever attracted to anyone other than Ginny or Cho?

2 votes

In which comic did Dhruva go to the future to defeat a villain capable of creating vacuum bubbles?

3 votes

Has Superman ever turned against humanity and been stopped?

3 votes

Has Superman ever turned against humanity and been stopped?

0 votes

Has Superman ever turned against humanity and been stopped?

5 votes

How do the Borg adapt and assimilate?

3 votes

What is Hermione Granger's ethnicity?

1 vote

What species is The Doctor?

1 vote

How old is the Doctor at the end of The Time of The Doctor?

6 votes

What was the first sci-fi TV series to have titles for each episode?

5 votes

How does Captain America channel this power?

2 votes

How is Shaktimaan related to the Pandavas?

-4 votes

Did Captain America make out with his niece?

1 vote

Is Guardians of the Galaxy 3 canceled?

2 votes

Could Draco have wished up a tunnel to the outside world in the Room of Requirement?

2 votes

Why didn't this character die even though they shot this person in Avengers: Endgame?

2 votes

Does The Ancient One's explanation create a paradox?

0 votes

What happened to the other Forerunners?

2 votes

Why isn't Red Angel simply communicating with normal language instead of giving clues?

5 votes

Is Airiam supposed to be a robot or android?

36 votes

Why are there cargo ships in the Star Trek universe when they have replicators?

-1 votes

Do wizards or witches wear sunglasses?

1 vote

How long can he be the Hulk before he has to turn back into a puny human?

2 votes

Can Beast Boy turn into cryptids?

0 votes

Would a Weeping Angel float through space if it was in outer space due to no gravity?

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