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I have found them! The stories are William Barton's "Moments of Inertia""Moments of Inertia" (Asimov's April/May 2004) and the sequel "Dark of the Sun""Dark of the Sun" (Asimov's April/May 2005)

What will you do when the Sun goes out? That’s the question two fifty somethings, living out the bitter endgame of their wasted lives, must answer. It’s the end of the world, not just as they know it, but for real. Paul and Scott have been the best of friends since childhood, ever since they checked the same book out of their elementary school library, but they’ve come to loath one another, as life’s catastrophes slowly beat them down. Now, a real catastrophe will kill them, and everyone else in the world, unless they find a way to survive. The answer they come up with is utterly heroic. And it will make or break them as men.


"Dark of the Sun" by William Barton is a follow-up to his previous story, "Moments of Inertia" in April/May 2004 issue. Again, four people are coping with the extinction of the Sun.

I have found them! The stories are William Barton's "Moments of Inertia" (Asimov's April/May 2004) and the sequel "Dark of the Sun" (Asimov's April/May 2005)

I have found them! The stories are William Barton's "Moments of Inertia" (Asimov's April/May 2004) and the sequel "Dark of the Sun" (Asimov's April/May 2005)

What will you do when the Sun goes out? That’s the question two fifty somethings, living out the bitter endgame of their wasted lives, must answer. It’s the end of the world, not just as they know it, but for real. Paul and Scott have been the best of friends since childhood, ever since they checked the same book out of their elementary school library, but they’ve come to loath one another, as life’s catastrophes slowly beat them down. Now, a real catastrophe will kill them, and everyone else in the world, unless they find a way to survive. The answer they come up with is utterly heroic. And it will make or break them as men.


"Dark of the Sun" by William Barton is a follow-up to his previous story, "Moments of Inertia" in April/May 2004 issue. Again, four people are coping with the extinction of the Sun.

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I have found them! The stories are William Barton's "Moments of Inertia" (Asimov's April/May 2004) and the sequel "Dark of the Sun" (Asimov's April/May 2005)